เป็นสมาชิกเมื่อ: 22/9/2008 3:05
4x4 Evo 2 Age Of Empires 2 America's Army Aquaria Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Balls of Steel LOTR: Battle for Middle-Earth Bejeweled 2 Blade & Sword Black & White Blood Rayne 1 (use 3D Analyze to emulate TnL) Call of Duty 1 Carmageddon II City of Heroes Colin McRae 2 Colin McRae 3 Colin McRae Rally 04 Combat Flight Simulator 3 Command and Conquer Command and Conquer: Generals Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer: Renegade Command and Conquer: Tiberiun Sun Crimson Skies Curse of Monkey Island (tested OK in ScummVM) Darwinia Deer Hunter 2005 Defcon Delta Force Deus Ex GOTY (~30 FPS@1024x600 HD) Diablo II/Diablo II Lord of Destruction (~25 FPS@800x600) DOSBox (running very well) Doom Doom 3 (low frames) Drakan: Order of the Flame (~50 FPS@1024x600, High Detail) Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (~30 FPS@800x600, High Detail) Dungeon Keeper 2 (1.7+XP Fix, ~30FPS@800x600(No Shadows, HD)) Dungeon Siege Dungeon Siege II Etch A Sketch F.E.A.R (v1.08 works better) Far Cry FIFA 08 Final Fantasy XI Online Football Manager 2008 (requires tweak, see link) FlatOut FlatOut 2 (15-30 fps) Fallout Fallout 2 Ford Racing 3 Ford Racing Off Road (select "Simple Graphics" setting. Don't set complex graphics as this crashes it) Fusion FreeCiv Freelancer Freedom Fighters Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich Giants Citizen Kabuto Gladiator - Sword of Vengeance Gothic 2 Grand Chase Grand Theft Auto (free version from rockstar.com/classics) Grand Theft Auto II (free version from rockstar.com/classics) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Guild Wars Gun Halo (~15 FPS@1024x600 LD, No Shadows, No VSYNC) Half-Life (also playable: Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, and other mods) Half-Life 2 Heroes of Might and Magic V Hitman 2 Hitman Contracts Homeworld Imperium Galactica II (800x600 @ ~60 FPS, 1024x600 results in anomalies...) Jaws Unleashed Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver I and II Lego Indiana Jones Lionheart Live For Speed Mafia Manhunt1 MapleStory Max Payne Max Payne 2 (1.01 1024x600 ~20fps) MechCommander 2 (<30 FPS@800x600) MechWarrior 3 (15-40 FPS@800x600) Medal of Honor Allied Assault Medieval: Total War Mobile Forces Monopoly Tycoon Morrowind Motocross Madness 2 Neverwinter Nights (14 FPS@1024x600 - Low Graphics settings) Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed Need for Speed: Underground 2 No One Lives Forever 2 Peggle Peter Jackson's King Kong (Some low framerate) Planescape: Torment Postal 2: Share The Pain Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (15-25fps) Project64 Psychonauts (borderline - choppy framerate) Puzzle Hero Quake Quake 2 Quake 3 (edit ini file to get 1024x600) Quake III Arena (60 FPS @ 1024x600) Railroad Tycoon 3 Rayman Raving Rabbids Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 Rome: Total War Rune Sacrifice Sam & Max - Season 1 & 2 Sauerbraten Second Life Severance: Blade of Darkness Sid Meier's Locomotion Sid Meier's Pirates Sim City 4 Simon the Sorcerer 2 (ScummVM) Snes9x Soldier of Fortune Space Rangers 2 Spore Spore Creature Editor Star Wars: Empire at War Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy Starcraft StepMania Street Wars: Constructor Underworld System Shock 2 The Hulk The Incredible Hulk Theme Hospital Total Annihilation Tomb Raider: Legend (borderline - playable but quite choppy) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon TrackMania TrackMania Nations Transformers The Movie Game Tropico Turok Tux Racer Unreal Unreal Tournament ( 40-60 FPS@1024x600, have to edit ini for custom res) Uplink Warcraft III (Low frames, don't expect to play DotA) Wall-E WinUAE (Amiga emulator, FPS is depending on WinUAE settings, highest settings work perfectly) Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory World of Warcraft ZSnes
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อ่อ PES2008 ก็เล่นได้นะครับ ปรับต่ำสุด
โพสเมื่อ : 22/9/2008 4:20